Foundation for the Study of Individualism

A Non-profit, Educational and Research Organization Since 1972 [formerly, “School of Communication”]

“Cogito ergo sum”—I think, therefore I am—Descartes, 1637

About FSI

In May 2007, the School of Communication (SOC) changed its name to the Foundation for the Study of Individualism (FSI). The name change reflects our shift in primary focus from the “streets” and “classrooms” to the formulation and dissemination of the ideas emanating from those real-life experiences.

About SOC

The School of Communication (SOC) was founded in 1971 by a group of educators and professionals interested in social issues confronting inner-city youth. These individuals have been committed to social research that has included the development of programs designed to enhance learning opportunities that would assist youth in developing strategies for making sense out of their environments, increasing their personal control over their life-choices, and developing communication skills that would support their successes in school, work, and interpersonal relationships.

FSI Board of Trustees

Gordon F. Brown, PhD, Founder, President/Treasurer, Psychologist and Professor Emeritus.

Claudia R. Wright, PhD, Vice President/Secretary, Professor Emerita (Educational Psychology).

Former Board of Trustee Members

Service Years

1971 – 2004 − Boyd S. Lemon, JD, Attorney.  

1971 – 2011 − Warren L. Preble, Retired Probation Officer for Los Angeles County.

2004 – 2023Robert E. McLean, MBA, Community College Professor of Economics.

1971 – 2023 − James B. Bickley, PhD, Psychologist, Community College Professor.